FILM: Covid and Me…

Past projects

UPDATE: This is the film that has set us on a trajectory that involves the use of media, created and produced by young people to tell stories and gain skills. We went on to make, “Find your way” and media will become a key component of the Gillingham Youth Collective, funded by the National Lottery Community Fund.


A lot of words are written about young people but we don’t always hear from young people themselves. 

Thanks to funding from Dorset Council we tried to do our bit to change that this summer. The result is a short film (7min) that explores what it’s like to be a young person living through a pandemic in Gillingham.

It was filmed over a period of two months after the first lockdown had eased but rules continued to change as often as the weather.

We gave a preview of the film to Gillingham Town Council and are delighted that it was picked up and promoted by the Blackmore Vale here.

We are really grateful to:

  • All the young people we talked to – those on film and those who didn’t quite make the final cut.  They all had something to say.
  • Alisha for the effort she put into making the film happen and developing strong scripting and interviewing skills
  • Ciara for allowing us to use her amazing music track and video as the soundtrack to the film
  • Dorset Council for funding the project and allowing us to adapt the initial project idea because of Covid-19
  • Gillingham Town Council for their constant support and belief in young people (by funding the Gillingham Outreach project they started the whole Rendezvous journey into North Dorset…).
  • Marianne at SilvaKing CIC for her never-ending patience and good humour in the face of ever-changing rules, lock-downs, people self-isolating and bad weather
  • Lou and Bekah, the outreach team who engaged the young people, acted as boom operators when needed and helped make it all happen