We are continuing to offer individual emotional support and practical advice and guidance during normal working hours to anyone between 13 and 25.
This comes in response to the current situation and we will be acrrying out our work in line with National Youth Association guidelines The centre remains closed to drop-in callers.
If you help, advice or a listening ear then don’t be a stranger – please get in touch with the team using the numbers below or check out our Facebook page for useful information on the situation.
The general Rendezvous number is no longer taking answerphone messages.
Emotional support
Phone: 07713 981756 | email jturner@therendezvous.org.uk
Advice & Information
Phone: 07713 981756 | email schilds@therendezvous.org.uk
Young Parents
Phone: 07713 981756
(all Mon-Wed-Thurs-Fri)
Phone: 07572 918240 | email jbartle@therendezvous.org.uk
Phone: 07884 234224 | email hdasilvawood@therendezvous.org.uk
Phone: 07514 138032 | email jlowndes@therendezvous.org.uk
Outside office hours
Please note that the team are only available within normal working hours and may not be able to get back to you immediately.
We do not offer an out of hours service and in the case of an emergency you should always call 999. You can contact these organisations:
- Childline – 0800 1111
- The Samaritans – 116 123 offers 24 emotional support
We wish you and your friends and family well in these extraordinary times and hope to see you all soon.