

Wishing everyone a very happy Christmas and the best of health for the festive season!

In preparation for the Christmas break our group work and learning sessions have now finished for the year, the last one-to-one sessions are almost done and our Christmas newsletter has been published.

We will be closed from Thursday 23rd December until Wednesday 5th January with the first learning sessions re-starting in Sherborne on Friday 7th.

However, in the light of the current Covid situation we will be reviewing this and will post details of any changes on the Covid page of the website and our Facebook pages.

If you are need of help and support during the Christmas period then there are places to turn.

Remember that in the case of an emergency you should always call 999 and you can contact these organisations at any time of day or night:
Childline –  0800 1111
The Samaritans –  116 123

The Rendezvous Team, December 2021