Bill Butters opens the doors on “Job Junction!”

Job Junction - Bill Butters

Job Junction is a new Rendezvous initiative to promote local employment and apprenticeship opportunities to young people.

Once a month a different local employer will spend the afternoon at the Rendezvous and any young person (15-25) interested in employment or apprenticeship opportunities now or for the future will be able drop in to the centre for an informal chat.

We’re delighted Adam Alan from Bill Butters Windows will be joining us for our first session in July. They are a long established, well-known company with lots of opportunities available. So if you, or someone you know, is leaving school and is interested in finding out more then come along on:

No appointment needed – just drop in and say hello.

If you’d like to know more then please get in touch with Helen Devonshire – or call the centre – 01935 814496.

Job Junction is part of our Learning & Employability project, The Future is Yours which is funded by CABWI.