Young parents

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If you’re a parent aged 25 or under you can join one of Bekah’s young parents’ groups or meet her one to one for advice and support. 

We’ve also got a closed Facebook group where our young mums and dads share ideas and advice about keeping busy and keeping positive while at home with babies and toddlers and post lots of simple ideas for activities.

If you’re at home and looking for things to do with the children or need some advice about a particular issue why not get in touch?

I love coming to group.  They’ve helped me since I was 16 with housing, finances and advice for my children.  They’re like my second family.

Joining the group

Just get in touch to find how to join or simply drop in to one of our group sessions – Sherborne on Monday and Gillingham on Thursday. (You’re welcome to bring a friend or family member with you.)

If you still have questions then contact Bekah to find out more and you can always meet her first if you prefer.

When you join you’ll be able to access the closed Facebook group which means you can keep in touch with us and other young mums and dads.

There are other young women at the group who offer support and it’s great to feel safe in an environment where someone is willing to hold your little one so you can have a cup of tea.

Individual support

For more specific one-to-one advice and guidance you can contact us using the form below to arrange a time to talk. 

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We’re good at listening, nothing shocks us and we don’t judge.  All our young parents say that talking to someone really helps and we can help partners too. We have helped many young parents find ways of dealing with stress and anxiety to become confident and happy young parents.

I can discuss my fears and worries without judgment.

Get in touch

To join our group or for one to one support get in touch with Bekah who is always happy to help. She is normally available on Mondays and Thursdays. Drop her a line using the form below or text or phone 07873 232465.

Home visits
If you would like us to visit you at home then you need to contact your health visitor who will make a referral. If you don’t want to do that then remember you can always get in touch with us directly.