We can help you with the practical problems that make life difficult including housing, benefits and money. We are not shockable and we don’t judge. And if we can’t help then we’ll try to find someone who can.
Young people come to talk to us about all sorts of things and with all sorts of questions. These are just some of the things we’ve helped people with recently:
- Housing – I’ve just been kicked out of home and I’ve nowhere to sleep – can you help?
- Housing – I don’t understand how to fill in my housing form…
- Money – I’m in rent arrears and don’t know what to do…
- Benefits – I’ve lost my job – can I claim benefits?
- Substance misuse – I thought I could just stop by myself but I can’t…
- Jobs – I need some help with a CV
- Care – I’m leaving care and would like to find out more about my birth family
- Criminal justice system – The police stopped me in the street – are they allowed to do that?

We’re here for you and if we can’t help then we’ll do our best to find you someone who can. And remember, as long as we don’t think you’re at risk from harm then it will be entirely confidential.
I like coming down to the Rendezvous because the staff are really nice and if you need help, you will get it
Helping you with other organisations
We have good relations with lots of different organisations and agencies. These are just some of the organisations we can help you with:
- Children and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS)
- Children’s services at your local council
- Citizens Advice Bureau – where you can get help with lots of things, particularly more specialist financial and legal advice
- Councils – Dorset Council, Sherborne and Gillingham town councils
- Doctors and hospitals – local GP surgeries and the Yeatman and Yeovil hospitals
- Education – the Gryphon School, Gillingham School, the Children’s Centres in Sherborne and in Shaftesbury, Harbour Vale (the Learning Centre), Yeovil College, Kingston Maurward, Future Roots at Rylands Farm
- Housing associations – including Magna Housing Association and the West Dorset housing service
- Reach – the substance misuse charity
- Voluntary organisations such as HomeStart
- Youth Clubs – in Sherborne and Gillingham
Get in touch
You can call 07521 178920 or drop us an email using the form below. We’ll get back to you as soon as we can – but please be patient as we are all part-time.